jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015

The Person That I Admire

In my life there have been many people who are a good and positive example for me and my training as a person. Such is the case I have decided to appoint the person ma admire my mother.My mother is the person most adimro in my family, she has been a fighter since from small has had to suffer a lot, as my grandfather was very wrong with his wife and daughters, and she has managed to move forward from that situations that have strong made against the odds, my mother when I was young had an unplanned pregnancy because the person who impregnated was not present when my mother needed it most, and thus had to raise her first child alone without Financial support was necessary for her. When my older brother was born my mother took care of him with all the love he needed and has become a successful person and a good person. She has taken care of me and my brothers since I can remember, it is very special for the whole family, has a strong character and that makes it great for me.It is for these and other even more important you reason that make me say that she is the person I admire most.I love you mom...

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